Professional Reader

Friday, August 23, 2019


Listen up folks! I do not consider myself in ANY way, shape or form, to be a SCI-FI reader, but Blake Crouch has got me rethinking the whole genre. Earlier this year I read Recursion, which was also fantastic, but this one, EPIC!!!

I don't even quite know where to start describing this without giving away things you really will want to discover yourself. Let me start with this: I listened to this on audio, and I HIGHLY recommend that you listen to the audio book. It literally at the half-way mark had me biting my nails and feeling SO on edge, rooting for Jason, questioning his decisions, freaking out with worry....

This much I will say, and I hope it's already well-known, this book centers around the idea of a multiverse, rather than just our one universe. The premise is that in every decision you make in this world, this "universe," there is another YOU making a different decision in another universe, and another making another decision in another universe, and so on and so on for every decision's possibility -- you've lived it -- every single version of yourself -- simultaneously living your best lives, your worst lives, and your middle-of-the-road lives. Have you ever had dejavu - when you've done something new - and thought - I've done this before? But you have no conscious idea of where or when? GOOSEBUMPS people!!! 

For those of us who wonder, what if I had gone to THAT college, what if I had married THAT man, what if I had never had children, what if I had selected another profession, what if I hadn't tried that drug....and so on and so forth.... we have so many "what if's" in our lives - even if our lives are wonderful, there's always a moment where many of us have asked the question of "what if." 

This book is for anyone that's ever wondered about whether their life could've ended up very differently with some slight variation to our decision-making. It's for anyone that believes in a multi-verse, or anyone that dreams of quantum physics taking them to another dimension one day, or wishes they could step through a door into another world (much like January in my previous read, "The Ten-Thousand Doors of January.")  

Needless to say, with two fantastic Blake Crouch stories read, he will be one of those auto-buy authors for me going forward. I need to read all of his books, as soon as possible!!

This was BEYOND a 5-Star read for me, it will be one that I will continue to recommend, even though it's not a new-release, and many of you have probably read it, for those of you that haven't, 
"What are you waiting for???????"

I listened to this audio for free on my Libby library app. 

 Check it out with this link:

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